Hello! This is the page to download my game! You can play it!

Download Dynomite Launcher

It's a Java file, so make sure you have Java 23.01.

The original game that my brothers made in 2012 on Roblox I remade. So this game is 13 years old!




Left click to grab

Right click to add a square

B to add a ball

N to add a bomb

P to add a NPC

T to add a brick

W to add water

S to add sand

Shift + Left click (on a object) to create a rope

G to add a gun

F to shoot the gun

Ctrl + Left click to anchor a object

Drag the background and move it to move the Camera

Left and right arrow to rotate objects

Up and down arrow to resize objects




2/1/25: tweeked the PhysicsSimulation! first update!

2/2/25: added Anchor option

2/3/25: THE BIGGIST UPDATE; Camera, Resize, and Rotate


Another my brothers made, but 15 years ago, and never finised it, called Redboy, a Macromedia Flash 8 game, you can get.

Download Redboy

Download Mouth Sprite sheet and Flash examples!